Friday, April 29, 2011

Student Original Piano Compositions - Part 1

From time to time, I will be adding videos of my students performing a composition they have written.  Each student is at a different stage in their learning process, and several students have learning challenges. But, each one of these students has learned to create music that they and their families can be very proud of. In my student's compositions, I give them plenty of "wiggle room" when it comes to musical form. I give them a basic chord progression, but they can add additional chords into their music and "go outside the box" -- as long as it sounds good to them. Through this process, they are learning how to "hear" what sounds good together, as well as learning the theory behind WHY it sounds that way. The students learned how to write their compositions from my book "Chord Piano Is Fun!" I hope you enjoy these videos!

 "Sailing Over Seas", written by Zoe N.

This wonderful composition was written and performed by Zoe N, who is only 10 years old. She used the chords in the key of A minor and loves the use of broken chords and arpeggios.

"Graceful":  A piano composition by Sydney B.

This beautiful piece is an original piano composition written and performed by of my students, Sydney B, who is in 5th grade, and is a fairly new student to piano. I sprung it on her during lessons yesterday that I would like to videotape her song, "Graceful". She "gracefully" obliged.

[I had to crop this video because the reflection in the picture above her head showed me swaying back and forth and it was embarrassing...If you want to know why I do that, you can CLICK HERE. Just FYI.]

"A Chance For Hope", by Mallory M.

This lovely song is an original composition written and performed by another 5th grader, Mallory M.  It is written in the key of A Minor, and she included the use of broken chords with each hand.

"Fireflies in the Starlight" by Megan F.

Megan F. has been playing piano for only about 2 months.  In her first piano composition, she is "comping on the fly" using the C, F and G chords with her left hand and mostly the C, D, E, F, and G with her right hand.  She loves the slight "jig" sound and thinks this song sounds like fireflies. (Plus, she has a snappy new hairdo.)


Monday, April 4, 2011

New blog up and running!

Hi everyone!  I just wanted to let you know that my OTHER new music blog is now up and running.  It is called "Music Maker's Musical Musings" and is found HERE.

Please stop by, and for those of you with TSA, this will be the site that I will be using from now on (but you are welcome to come back here as well!)