Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mark Diamond -- an up and coming "gem"...

Mark Diamond, Baritone
If you have never heard of this young man, you will soon. Mark Diamond is the nephew to my sister and is an up and coming baritone soloist. What a powerful voice! I am typically not a huge fan of opera, but when he comes to the Houston Grand Opera to perform this fall I will be there!

Please take a listen and enjoy the gift of this young man's amazing voice!

If you are in the Houston area, and would like more information about the Houston Grand Opera or wish to purchase tickets to any of the shows, please CLICK HERE.



Unknown said...

He does have an amazing voice! My mother sang with the Mendelssohn choir of Pittsburgh and they were the ones who sang choral works with the Pittsburgh Symphony.

Thanks for sharing the recording of his voice!

Unknown said...

Hi, Paul! That's quite impressive! I'm sure her experience with that was priceless. What a wonderful musical heritage you have been a part of! Are you a musician yourself?


Lesly Federici said...

Hi T.K.
What a beautiful voice! I listened to a lot of opera when I was growing up and I appreciate it greatly. Looks like he has a great carer in front of him and how nice he's in your family! Thank you for sharing!

Chick of All Trades said...

Hi Lesly! Thanks for stopping by! I agree -- I think he does have a huge career waiting for him. I have not heard him in person, but plan to when he comes to Houston!

Take care!


P.S. I have also now started a new blog that I will be using with TSA. It is